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EAN : 9781741045543
924 pages
Lonely Planet (16/04/2007)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
From Antarctica to Zimbabwe, if you're going there, chances are Lonely Planet has been there first. With a pithy and matter-of-fact writing style, these guides are guaranteed to calm the nerves of first-time world travelers, while still listing off-the-beaten-path finds sure to thrill even the most jaded globetrotters. Lonely Planet has been perfecting its guidebooks for nearly 30 years and as a result, has the experience and know-how similar to an older sibling's... >Voir plus

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Voyage en Italie

Stendhal a écrit "La Chartreuse de ..." ?


14 questions
601 lecteurs ont répondu
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