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EAN : 9781409121671
496 pages
Orion (05/07/2012)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
"We took the riffs and structures of AC/DC and Judas Priest and played them at Motörhead tempos. We had this European sound and attitude but we were an American band, and there was no one else in America doing it"

Metallica are the last of the great rock monoliths.

They've sold 100 million records worldwide and they are the fifth-highest selling artists of all time, but until now there hasn't been an authoritative, in-depth biography of... >Voir plus
Que lire après Enter Night : Metallica, The BiographyVoir plus

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Littérature et archéologie

Dans "Les Enfants de la Terre" de Jean M. Auel, quelle espèce humaine n'est pas présente tout au long du roman?

Homo sapiens
Homo neanderthalensis
Homo erectus

11 questions
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