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Citations de Candice Carty-Williams (41)

'And school, university, work, it's all going to come with its stuff. You'll meet people who "don't see race" and are "colourblind", but that's a lie. They do see it,' I explained. I knew how my cousin's attention span waned when being taught anything, so I tried not to sound like I was lecturing her. 'And people should see it. We're different, and they need to accept our difference,' I continued, and Diana nodded along. I kept going while I had her. 'We aren't here for an easy ride. People are going to try and put you in a mould, they're going to tell you who you should be and how you should act. You're going to have to work hard to carve out your own identity, but you can do it. I'm not going to tell you about the men until you're older but that's a discussion we're going to have to have,' I told Diana. 'Or women. Whoever, whatever, it's your choice.'
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Des écrivains aux prénoms rares

Première question, facile: quel était le prénom de l’immense romancier Balzac ?


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