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Vidéos de Gilbert Hernandez (10)
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EffeLou01 novembre 2014
Graphic novelist Gilbert Hernandez appears at the 2013 Library of Congress National Book Festival.

Speaker Biography: Gilbert Hernandez says he was "born into a world with comic books in the house." Together with his brothers, Jaime and Mario, Gilbert created the "Love and Rockets" comic book series, to which he regularly contributes stories. The series ended in 1996 but was revived as Volume 2 in 2001. Hernandez is also well known for creating strong and fully realized female characters, as opposed to the one-dimensional women found in most comics. "Love and Rockets" has garnered international acclaim and has been translated into French, Japanese and many other languages. Hernandez's latest works are "Marble Season," "Julio's Day" and "Children of Palomar."
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EffeLou01 novembre 2014
Vidéo de Gilbert Hernandez
EffeLou01 novembre 2014
Gilbert Hernandez, co-creator of the hugely popular "Love and Rockets" comics, came to Skylight Book Shop to present his new book "Marble Season". Gilbert showed the comics that were the biggest influence on him when he was a child - the stories and artists who inspired him. He reflects on the silver age comics and how much he owed to that era in his own creative and artistic development. Check out for more information.

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Mariage de Figaro

Comment s'appelle le personnage principal de l'œuvre ?

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