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EAN : 9780749399382
256 pages
Minerva (02/04/1992)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
This collection of pithy, brilliantly acerbic pieces is a companion to Sixty Stories, Barthelme's earlier retrospective volume. Barthelme spotlights the idiosyncratic, haughty, sometimes downright ludicrous behavior of human beings, but it is style rather than content which takes
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
“Mother, have you noticed that this society we’re in tends to be a little…repressive?”
“What does that mean, Eugenie? What does that mean, that strange new word, ‘repressive,’ that I have never heard before?”
“It means…it’s like when you decide to do something, and you get up out of your chair to do it, and you take a step, and then become aware of frosty glances being directed at you from every side.”
“Frosty glances?”
“Your desires are stifled.”
“What desires are you talking about?”
“Just desires in general. Any desires. It’s a whole…I guess atmosphere is the…word…a tendency on the part of the society…”
“You’d better sew some more pillow cases, Eugenie.”
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“Pia was chopping up an enormous cabbage, a cabbage big as a basketball. The cabbage was of an extraordinary size. It was a big cabbage. “That’s a big cabbage,” Edward said. “Big,” Pia said.”
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Video de Donald Barthelme (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo
Vidéo de Donald Barthelme
Timothy Hutton in short MTV PSA for 40 Stories by Donald Barthelme. Directed by Neil Burger
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Dans quelle pièce de W. Shakespeare le héros est confronté avec le spectre de son père ?

Le marchand de Venise
Richard II
Titus Andronicus

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