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Citations sur Agatha Raisin enquête, tome 6 : Vacances tous risques (55)

Mrs Bloxby lui jeta un regard interrogateur, puis se lança : " Pensez-vous vraiment avoir pris la bonne décision ? Je veux dire, les hommes n'aiment pas beaucoup qu'on les traque.
— Et comment fait-on alors pour en trouver un ?
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"You actually look good in that black dress"
"Thank you. You musr be the only man in this hot climate to wear a tie." Charles was wearing a striped silk tie with an impeccable white shirt and a white linen suit. "Don't you ever sweat?"
"Only when I'm making love to you, Aggie"
Agatha sighed.
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The plane soared above the grey, rainy skies and flat fields of Essex and all the passengers applauded wildy. Why were they applauding ? wondered Agatha. Do they know something I don't ? Is it unusual for one of their planes to take off at all ?
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Just when she thought the plane would shake itself apart, the lights of Izmir appeared below and soon they landed. Again, everyone applauded, this time Agatha joining them.
"That was scary", said Agatha to the woman next to her.
"It was a bit o'fun, love," said the Turkish Cypriot woman speaking English in the accents of London's East End. "I mean, you'd pay for somethin' like that at Disney World."
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Mehmet at Atlantic Cars was just closing up his small office when she arrived.
'I would like to change the car,' said Agatha.
'What's up with the one you've got?'
Agatha looked at him thoughtfully. She did not want to go into a long explanation about how another car that would not be immediately recognizable as the one she drove.
'Ashtray full?' she suggested
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En fait, il était en excellente santé, du moins jusqu'à son assassinat.
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Les touristes britanniques, quant à eux, étaient immédiatement identifiables à leurs vêtements, leurs visages pâles et contrits, et cet air un peu irrésolu des Anglais à l’étranger.
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"And what about you, Agatha ?" asked Olivia. "Rose told us she remembered reading about you. Your husband was murdered just as you were about to marry James here. It's a wonder he's forgiven you."
"He hasn't and he won't ever." said Agatha, her eyes suddenly filling with tears. "Excuse me." She rose to her feet and went to the toilet and leaned against the wash-hand basin. What is up with me ? she thought. Is this the menopause? Should I go on hormone-replacement therapy? Or maybe I need a good psychiatrist to tell me that my infatuation for James is because I'm sick in the head.
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Agatha Raisin, femme autoritaire et dominatrice, venait d'atterrir au milieu d'un des peuples les plus décontractés de la terre.
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Nous avons la chance de connaître un taux de criminalité très bas dans notre république. Les touristes viennent chez nous parce que c’est encore l’endroit le plus sûr de toute la Méditerranée. Je vous considère tous comme des coupables potentiels et je ne vous lâcherai pas tant que ces meurtres ne seront pas résolus. Nous avons des résidents britanniques respectables, ici, Mrs Raisin. Ils contribuent à la vie culturelle de l’île. Ils ne causent pas de problèmes. Jusqu’à votre arrivée, nous n’avons jamais connu quoi que ce soit de comparable à ce qui se produit aujourd’hui.
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    Lecteurs (1996) Voir plus

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    Vacances tous risques (Agatha Raisin, T. 6)

    Où se rend Agatha Raisin dans le but de retrouver James Lacey ?

    A Chypre
    A Malte

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    Thème : Agatha Raisin enquête, tome 6 : Vacances tous risques de M.C. BeatonCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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