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EAN : 9780007219940
338 pages
Fourth Estate (01/01/2006)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Award-winning investigative food journalist, Joanne Blythman turns her attention to the current hot topic - the state of British food. What is it about the British and food? We just don't get it, do we? Britain is notorious worldwide for its bad food and increasingly corpulent population, but it's a habit we just can't seem to kick. Welcome to the country where recipe and diet books feature constantly in top 10 bestseller lists, but where the average meal takes only... >Voir plus
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Dans quelle pièce de W. Shakespeare le héros est confronté avec le spectre de son père ?

Le marchand de Venise
Richard II
Titus Andronicus

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