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Philip J. Currie (Directeur de publication)
EAN : 9780122268106
869 pages
Academic Press (01/10/1997)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
This book is the most authoritative encyclopedia ever prepared on dinosaurs and dinosaur science. In addition to entries on specific animals such as Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, and Velociraptor, the "Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs" covers reproduction, behavior, physiology, and extinction. The book is generously illustrated with many detailed drawings and photographs, and includes color pictures and illustrations that feature interpretations of the best known and most im... >Voir plus
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Harry Potter (1 à 4) difficile

Qui est le contrôleur du Magicobus ?

Ernie Mcmillan
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15 questions
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