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Citations sur Le Grand Quoi (15)

Mon garçon, il y avait de la vie dans ces villages ! Il y a de la vie ! Malgré les apparences, environ quinze mille âmes. Si tu voyais des clichés d'un village pris d'avion, tu serais sans voix face à l'apparence misérable des habitations et des activités humaines. Le sud du Soudan ressemble à une terre brûlée, mais ce n'est pas non plus un désert sans fin. C'est aussi une terre de forêts et de jungles, de fleuves et de marais, où vivent des centaines de tribus, des milliers de clans. Des millions de gens.
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Si un jour je retombe amoureux, je ne perdrais plus de temps. On était jeunes et on pensait avoir tout le temps de s‘aimer. Quelle erreur. Attendre d‘aimer, ce n‘est vraiment pas une façon de vivre.
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His skin was remarkable. Some days, it was indeed as white as chalk, and others it was pink, like that of a pig or the underbelly of a goat. His arms and legs were covered in tangles of dark hair, again likle a pig's, only these hairs were longer. The man produced more sweat than any other man I had ever seen. He would wipe the sweat from his face every few minutes; it seemed to be the primary occupation of his day. I found myself feeling terribly sorry for the white man, for his sweating and because he resembled a pig in so many particulars.
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But when she finally appeared at the top of the escalator, two shopping bags in her hand, her face exploded into a smile so spectacular that all movement everywhere int the mall ceased. The people shopping stopped walking and talking, the children no longer ate and ran, the water stood still.
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She was less glamourous in those enormous frames, and when she had them on, it seemed more plausible taht she was trully mine.
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    Dead or Alive ?

    Harlan Coben

    Alive (vivant)
    Dead (mort)

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