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EAN : 9781740592499
894 pages
Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd (01/01/2002)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Rewarding and rugged, West Africa's 17 contries have much to offer the adventurous traveller. Laze on golden-sand beaches, trek up cool Mt Cameroon or see Sahran caravans set off from Timbuktu - this all of this updated guide leads you through all of this alluring region.
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Le guide Lonely Planet West Africa regroupe des informations sur dix-sept pays d'Afrique de l'ouest : Bénin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Cap Vert, Côte d'Ivoire, Gambie, Ghana, Guinée Bissau, Guinée Conakry, Liberia, Mali, Mauritanie, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sénégal et Togo.
Difficile de réunir des pays qui, s'ils sont "proches" géographiquement, ne partagent pas forcément une histoire et une langue commune. Les communications entre les différents états et même à l'intérieur de ceux-ci peuvent se révéler difficiles, voire impossible. Certains sont prisés pour leurs belles plages, d'autres pour la richesse de leur histoire, d'autres (et parfois les mêmes) pour la variété de la faune et de la flore.
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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
In many West African cities, check-in procedures are as much of an adventure as the flight itself, Conakry wins our vote as the airport with the most disorganised and chaotic check-in procedures, but every traveller probably has their own 'favourites'. Lagos is another notorious one. The fun starts from the moment you enter the airport. Underpaid security personnel, in an effort to subsidise their meagre incomes, often view the baggage check procedures as a chance to elicit bribes from tourists.
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Vegetarian as such is rarely understood in West Africa, and vegetarian restaurants are rare, although you can often find vegetarian dishes at Asian and Indian restaurants in capital cities. The main challenge is likely to be keeping some variety and nutritional balance in your diet, and getting enough protein, especially if you don't eat eggs and dairy products.
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Lest you get too paranoid, remember this. Considering the wealth of most tourists, and the unimaginable levels of poverty suffered by most West Africans, the incidence of robbery or theft in most countries in the region is incredibly low. Even a shoestring traveller's daily budget of US$ 15 a day is more than the average local labourer makes in a month.
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West Africa's wildlife is just that - wild. Respect the powers of nature, and keep a healthy distance between you and any elephant, lion, rhino or other wild animal that you may be lucky enough to encounter.
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Call it mystique or adventure, whatever, West Africa has a power of attraction which, despite its often rugged conditions, continues to entice travellers.
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François de Belleforest
Matteo Bandello
Arthur Brooke
William Shakespeare

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