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EAN : 9781681773018
389 pages
Pegasus (01/01/2017)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :

But what if there was more to the tale of these heroes than we know? How would the Trojan War have looked as seen through the eyes of its women? Krisayis, the ambitious, determined daughter of the High Priest of Troy, and Briseis, loyal and passionate princess of Pedasus, interweave their tales alongside Homer's classic story of the rage of Achilles and the gods of Olympus. What follows is a breathtaking tale of love and revenge, destiny and the determinatio... >Voir plus
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12 questions
3438 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : monstre , mythologie grecque , créatures mythologiques , mythologie , mythesCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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