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EAN : 9781951495411
105 pages
Ellen Jacobson (17/09/2022)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
When Thea Olson returned to her hometown of Why, North Dakota, for the Fourth of July, the last thing she expected was to add “investigate a murder” to her to-do list. But when her cousin is falsely accused of killing her business partner, Thea is drawn into solving the case. In between hunting down clues and interviewing suspects, Thea learns more than she wanted to know about creative planning, stickers, washi tape, and glitter pens.
Que lire après Planning for Murder: A North Dakota Library Mystery PrequelVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce roman précédant la série « North Dakota Library Mysteries » est un plaisir à lire. Les personnages, qui sont de différentes générations, sont très colorés. de plus, l'histoire est originale. Publié en « grands caractères », ce livre se dévore en une journée.
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
(…) my grandmother politely suggested the couple take their discussion elsewhere.
After they left, Grandma shook her head. ‘Libraries are supposed to be sanctuaries, not a place to air your dirty laundry.’
She grumbled for a few more minutes about the importance of indoor voices (…)
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While I mulled over the investigation, I watched my grandmother bustle around the library, working her magic. Guided by her unwavering belief that reading nourishes our souls, she had an uncanny instinct when it came to matching patrons with books.
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When you live in a small town, being condescending and self-righteous doesn’t get you very far.
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Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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