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EAN : 9781932603590
134 pages
AAN (American Academy of Neurology) Press (01/01/2007)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Peripheral neuropathy, the variety of conditions that result when the nerves that connect to the brain and spinal cord are damaged or diseased, is commonly associated with diseases such as diabetes, HIV, alcoholism, and lupus. Although widespread — it affects 10–20 million people in the United States — information about the condition has been difficult to obtain. This essential guide explains what is known about peripheral neuropathy, including its causes and manife... >Voir plus
Que lire après Peripheral Neuropathy: when the numbness, weakness, and pain won't stopVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Ce livre de référence sur la neuropathie compte plusieurs témoignages fort éloquents. Ceux qui vivent avec cette condition médicale s'y reconnaîtront, comme ce fut mon cas.
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Citations et extraits (13) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
(...) neuropathy was as frightful as I had imagined. It could travel anywhere in body and cause buzzing and burning, itching, freezing, or shooting pains.
(R.M. Dolores Hart, "A Nun's Story: Hollywood, The Monastery, and The Neuropathy Community")
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Some days I believe that my visit to the land of illness has made me a richer, kinder, better person. Sometimes it just feels like a bad trip. But I do have a few tips for fellow travelers. People I expected to rely on vanished, but new friends appeared. I've been surrounded by unexpected love.
(Lizzie Abbot, "Living with Autonomic Neuropathy")
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I remember waking up and thinking, "My God, I can't die now. I just don't feel well enough to meet all those people I haven't seen in so long."
(R.M. Dolores Hart, "A Nun's Story: Hollywood, The Monastery, and The Neuropathy Community")
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Paresthesias are variably described as numbness, pins and needles, stinging, prickling, crawling, burning, cold, itching, buzzing, vibrating, aching, tearing, squeesing, stiff, and deadened, or encased in cement, among others. They can occur alone or in combination, and are typically more bothersome at night when there are few other sensory stimuli or distractions, and make it difficult to fall asleep.
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(…) there is a tendency in our society to suspect anyone who requires chronic pain medication, especially opiates, of being morally suspect or a potential drug abuser. Consequently, many people are undertreated and continue to live with chronic pain. We don’t allow torture but the pain of neuropathy can feel the same.
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