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EAN : 9780692816073
296 pages
Rogue Ridge Press (28/12/2016)
3.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Seniors Ivy Malone and Mac MacPherson have warily circled the idea of marriage for some time while Ivy was on the run and hiding from the murderous Braxton clan. Now the Braxtons are out of the way, and Mac and Ivy have made the Big Decision. They're getting married! The plans are made, the date is set. A church wedding, of course, complete with heirloom wedding gown and Ivy's old friend, Magnolia, walking her down the aisle, and a buffalo barbecue afterward. Except... >Voir plus
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Que lire après Something Buried, Something BlueVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Des détectives amateurs et futurs mariés du 3e âge, des personnages de vilains assez colorés, tous à la recherche d'un trésor caché... On ne saurait demander mieux pour une lecture originale et divertissante !
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Citations et extraits (4) Ajouter une citation
"I dropped a washer. Help me find it." I got down on my knees beside him. I felt around for a minute, then saw the lost washer hiding in the dirt under the ATV. I handed it to him. Mac is a man of many talents, but "seeing" something is not one of them. I do believe he, like lot of men, could look for a full-size turkey on a refrigerator shelf and miss seeing it. (...) I have to admit that even though I could find the washer I wouldn't have known what to do with it. Teamwork!
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I could have told her she'd get no signal here, but I figured she'd find that out for herself soon enough. I like to talk to people and be helpful if I can, but her superior, impatient attitude did not encourage helpfulness.
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When I bought a new crock pot not long ago, I asked about the lenght of the warranty, and the clerk gave me a look that said "at your age, what difference does it make?"
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Sometimes at mid-life people become interested in genealogy and long-lost relatives.
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Roger-Jon Ellory : " **** le silence"


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