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EAN : 9798575982319
391 pages
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Résumé :
Mixed Lives Matter ! Thus Bestseller «BABEL SYNDROME Mixed Lives Matter» Makes life sense being proven Right by our Best choices in Life ! Get the Book now – Kindle & Paperback versions « BABEL SYNDROME Mixed Lives Matter » The New Literary breakthrough by International Author Emmanuel MOTE: The book is Arresting Extravagant & Astounding with Quality discoveries in the Depth of Human History and Conscience. Racial segregation is a Millenary Hoax started by the Sons ... >Voir plus
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Elegantly written in a Perfect Grammar, informative & Poetic: "BABEL Syndrome Mixed Lives Matter" is the most insightful Novel I have ever read.

It will tell you why Humanity failed Mission: Happiness from the very beginning.
When democracy started out to expose our inability to define what Liberty actually really means, how we missed the Intelligence of our planet for Harmony and coexistence with Mother Nature: Which fuelled the Global divisiveness that led us to Racism, sexism, ageism wars and even the overwhelming pandemics yet to come!
However: International author Emmanuel MOTE brilliantly tells us our to make the world a better place again providing us with a Global cure against Divisiveness.

A Great book I recommend heart fully
I Saw a video book presentation on YouTube

Helene Grisham - Best Literay books Finder
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Enlightenment: The initiatory Dream

New-York 7:A.m

One Year Before The September 11, 2001 Tragedy

An American in his thirties sits up on his bed short of breath in an apartment with little comfort. His heart is pounding, and his face is colonized by anxiousness. It begins well! ...

The way he feels his bed and looks around the space that serves as his bedroom: One would have said he was in the wrong century!... Only his muscular belly and the photos clinging to the walls, indeed seem to relate him to the reality of his time: He is a Karate teacher.

However, the dismay that reads on his face has nothing to do with a man whose lifestyle is the mastery of body and mind!...

Stephen J Jordan, strange as it was, was sure he was somewhere else, in

another life.

When he got up and went to his bedroom window, he realized that he was indeed in Jamaica - Queens: This ghetto from the New York outskirts, ugly and hideous as hell, where racism and delinquency are the two breasts that feed vice there every day! ...

However, it seems like for one night: He was transferred to a world opposite to his, where his fantasies had been an experienced reality!...

His whole being was still quivering at the extraordinary revelations of this dream because, indeed, he had dreamed!

Stumbling as he went back to his bed to sit down as if subjected to this dream's weight. In the depths of his consciousness, Stephen J. Jordan felt he would never be the same ...

Head buried in his hands; he tried to remember: So, far from being prayed for, images flowed into him in successive and generous waves.

They were not fleeting images, but a film that was there to impose on him and remain! ...

First, this strange vision of a near sky, as if he were in the front row of an intersidereal spectacle: Voluptuous clouds, moving in an atmosphere of silence and beatitude.

Then, slowly, imperceptibly: A large book, open, takes place as if suspended in the middle of the clouds: But, as these prevent the reading of the message of the book, a wing appears, the size and the whiteness of which make one think of the wing of an angel: The wing then sweeps the clouds that cover the book, Showing the following words, sound words:

- "Then they said to each other: let us build a City and a Tower whose top Touches the sky! "

When these words speak, a disturbing noise is heard, like the noise of high waters; the clouds become incandescent, while all the elements seem seized with tremors of incredible density! ...

Book then ascends to where it had come, and from where the angel's wing had appeared: As if to escape an imminent danger, the consequences of which would befall humanity alone! ...

It was then that from those incandescent clouds suddenly came out a black forearm in his fist closed, turned towards the Earth...
Stephen thought that the forearm charred from the fire in the sky!
However, next to this forearm, two others were aligned successively, in the same position: A white, then a yellow! ...Stephen then understood that it was about the different populations of humans and their primarily concerned colors! ...

As mysterious as these events' spectacle was, man perceived their meaning, as if he had been an initiate in this extraterrestrial universe...
While still considering those forearms lined up against each other, a serpent of formidable appearance also emerged from the furnace, seeming to be on the prowl for something:

Then, with a supple movement, this sort of cobra noticed the three human forearms: His tail suddenly began to wriggle with excitement!

Lifting his head, he walked towards what seemed to be the purpose of his presence.

Strange thing: When it got within reach, the cobra did not bite the forearms:

Content to observe them, he slipped on them as on a raft and crossed them, before fainting in the furnace from which he had emerged!

It was then that Stephen realized that the reptile had left a deep gash in each forearm's flesh:

On the black, on the white and the yellow, causing each of them to spurt blood, rigorously the same bright red color! ... This blood began to flow abundantly towards the Earth, making only one flow, as if poured from a large tub.

Much further down, it spread over a sandy beach, forming the following words:

"Babel Syndrome."

It had seemed to Stephen that he had passed out, by the time this wave of blood had carried him away, precipitating the man in an interminable fall towards the Earth!...

When he opened his eyes, his first vision was of a sun, whose clarity was like a constellation of diamonds in a turquoise blue sky; this sun did not attack him!

It was of indescribable softness and its radiance: Of incomparable beauty.

Half naked, only wearing black canvas pants to match shoes, which looked like martial arts shoes, Stephen was lying on a beach in white sand with insolent beauty!

Waves from a limpid blue ocean regularly came to lick his body while rolling peacefully: Like a mare giving first aid to the newborn with her mother tongue! ...

Was he, in fact, a castaway whom the sea, in its immense gentleness, had wanted to spare from unjust punishment?

Alternatively, was it just a new birth for him, in that exquisite wetness of water and hot sand, which reminded him of the amniotic bath! ...

For by emerging little by little from his interstellar torpor, Stephen vaguely perceived that he was here in an environment which, far from oppressing him, gave him appeasement and a feeling of well-being, which found an echo to the depths of his soul.

Here indeed, there seemed to be osmosis between all living things:

The dozens of white birds which, like a welcoming committee, performed in the sunlight:

A sumptuous ballet above his head, as well as the trees which bordered the beach a few meters away, making admire the dance of their green - glowing foliage seemed

to have a soul; communicating to humans, a message of serenity:

As if the one who arrived here had first to learn to live with nature:

Listen to be sensitive to its needs and requirements:

Mother Nature, which in return, like a generous bride, would offer her finery: Those of splendid beauty and immeasurable wealth.

Arriving on this Land, we came by sea; It was it that, first of all, selected the guests, and willingly designed to transport them there!

She undoubtedly took the opportunity to give them baptism: The bath of purification against any selfish and destructive feelings, Subtly communicating to them through the whispers of its waves, and the rhythm it imposes on the bodies:

The secrets of an Earth where harmony and the balance between living beings were the pledge of a triumphant life of beauty, of Love, Peace, and Freedom! ...

Love: This is the feeling that prevailed in this place, where everything was only generosity; here, nature seemed to teach man that to live is to give, share, and communicate; that living beings were not individual entities, confined to irreducible borders! ...

However, humans, fauna, flora to which stars brought lights in turn: All rested on the base of the same scale; that the happiness of some would not go without others! In the natural mechanism of these subtle equilibria, all the charm of this other planet lay.

As if, here: We had to relearn how to live ... Unless the humility to which forced this new environment does not merely lead to admitting that one had never really lived! ...

These essential and overwhelming realities that Stephen, lying in this bed that nature had offered him, were recording quietly: As in a mother's womb, the sea revealed Life to him, by revealing to himself.

He suddenly felt that there was an invitation to take part in this vast and sublime Life.

He had not perished in the sinking of civilization!

Fate had granted him the privilege, better: The grace of discovering The Truth:

That of the intimate springs of human Life! ... He realized that he was free from all mental hindrance: That his body responded to him, that he could move and that Life was in him, movement, and being.

Slowly, as if it was childbirth:

He turned around in the hot sand, and, leaning on his hands, he straightened up:

Once again measured the immensity of this sunny beach stretching as far as the eye can see, whose strange whiteness of the sand gave the illusion of an ocean, whose purity was matched only by the light of this splendid sun!

The Sun: It was reflected in the crystals of the sand, the blue of the sea, on the leaves of trees, on the petals of flowers, in the eyes of seagulls; radiating everything it touched, even to the unsettling whiteness of Stephen's teeth; He who, in front of so much beauty, underwent speechless: The fascination of this universe in a festival of natural light, and shimmering colors; like a fabulous jewel in its case! ...

In the young man's muscular belly: Tingling announcing an adventure made of excitement and discoveries had begun.

Stephen felt a kind of vertigo, considering that this holy Land was at his sole discretion! ...

He felt on his knees crying, hilariously:

- How beautiful! It is incredible !...

Getting up, he spread his arms, turning in all directions, as if he wanted to embrace it all: For him who is called upon in all parts of his being, the contact with this universe was initially sensual, before being a psychological upheaval! ...

Now he felt as if propelled towards the discovery of this island, drawn towards it like

under the influence of a spell ...

Noticing the nearby lush forest, he felt it mysterious and teeming with all kinds of promises, but his fascination with this immensity made of white sand, then sunny sky reflecting insistently in the complicit sea was still far from being exhausted! Yes! The surrounding jungle would be like the main course to him: Con
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