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900 pages
ao3 (12/10/2018)
4.85/5   13 notes
Résumé :
A Harry Potter fanfiction, detailing the lives of the Marauders throughout their schooling, told through Remus Lupin.
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Que lire après All The Young Dudes Year 1-3Voir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Etant donné que je suis une fan absolue de Moony ( et de tout ce que peut ce rapprocher de près ou de loin aux Maraudeurs ), je risque de ne pas être très objective.

* cris de fangirl hystérique * C'est si mignon de lire l'évolution de Rem' au fur et à mesure des chapitres, on ne s'ennuie jamais ( ou vraiment très peu, ou seulement pendant quelques lignes ), J'AIME VOIR LA RELATION PADFOOT MOONY C'EST ADORABLE * encore d'autres cris hystériques de fangirl *

Je suis actuellement en train de lire "The war", l'ambiance n'est évidemment pas la même et celle des premières années me manques...

WOLFSTAR EN FORCE !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Citations et extraits (7) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
This was no great thing for them – James and Sirius treated it as any other afternoon; the hospital bed was just an extension of their dorm. For Remus it was everything – it was time that would otherwise be spent anxious and alone. It was the closest thing to family he could imagine.
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Anyway,” he lowered his voice, in case Madam Pomfrey was lurking nearby, “The whole point of having a nickname was so no one knew who wrote the map. I don’t think ‘Remu’ is going to fool anyone.”

“He’s got a point, there.” James said, wisely, “As much fun as it’s been.”

“Fair enough,” Sirius heaved a sigh, “But can we call you Remu until we come up with something better?”

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Remus was stalwartly ignoring this behaviour – he knew that Sirius was pronouncing the incantation all wrong, with the emphasis in the wrong place – but he wasn’t going to tell him, because he wasn’t sure exactly why Sirius wanted a tentacle arm so badly, and it couldn’t be for any good reason.
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Remus had seen plenty of boys at St Edmund’s trying to push their limits like that – the problem was, some limits weren’t fences. Sometimes they were edges; with nothing on the other side.
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He wished he wasn’t always the one left out, he wished he knew how it felt to have a friend as close as James. More than ever, he wanted someone to talk to.
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