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EAN : 9780446528214
160 pages
Transworld Publishers Ltd (04/11/2002)
1/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Told from the perspective of a remora named Fishmael, who is traveling with his mentor, a wise and beautiful marlin known as the "Old Fish, " "Blue Road to Atlantis" intertwines a spiritual parable with Hemingway's classic The Old Man and the Sea. The result is a lighthearted yet moving allegory about leading a more fulfilling life. By setting forth the idea that the quest for a higher vision and the acceptance of life's currents brings true peace and happiness, thi... >Voir plus
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"Dear Fishmael", she said smiled sadly, "love is not prey, it cannot be hunted. Love is a miracle. But for the one who follow his current, it is an inevitable miracle."
(trad. : « Cher Fishmael », dit - elle en souriant tristement, « l’amour n’est pas une proie, il ne peut être chassé. L’amour est un miracle. Mais pour celui qui suit son sillage, c’est un inévitable miracle. » )
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A l'abordage : la mer et la littérature

Qui est l'auteur du célèbre roman "Le vieil homme et la mer" ?

William Faulkner
John Irving
Ernest Hemingway
John Steinbeck

10 questions
505 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : littérature , mer , océansCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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