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Remnants of Filth - Yuwu tome 1 sur 2

St (Autre)
EAN : 9781685794675
444 pages
Seven Seas (25/04/2023)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Noble-born Mo Xi is the foremost general of Chonghua, known for his ruthless temper and ascetic air. Once he was one of two promising young commanders, twin stars of the empire. His comrade, the lowborn Gu Mang, was Mo Xi’s brother-in-arms, best friend, and—secretly—his lover, until the day Gu Mang turned traitor and joined the ranks of their nation’s greatest enemy.

Now Gu Mang has been returned to the empire a ruined man, a shadow of the military ge... >Voir plus
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