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EAN : 9780755315390
576 pages
Headline (02/04/2009)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Sir Jackie Stewart is one of the most highly regarded names in global sport - winner of three F1 World Championships, 27 Grands Prix and ranked in the top five drivers of all time. On retiring from the circuit, he went on to build an equally impressive international business career.

In the 1960s and into the 70s, with his black cap, sideburns and aviator shades Jackie Stewart was an unmistakable icon in a glorious era of style, glamour and speed. On t... >Voir plus

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Quiz Voir plus

Coupe du monde de rugby : une bd à gagner !

Quel célèbre écrivain a écrit un livre intitulé Rugby Blues ?

Patrick Modiano
Denis Tillinac
Mathias Enard
Philippe Djian

10 questions
861 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : rugby , sport , Coupe du mondeCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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