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EAN : 9781949759440
280 pages
Thought catalog (15/12/2021)
3.67/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Healing is not a one-time event.

It can begin with a one-time event — typically some form of sudden loss that disrupts our projection of what the future might be. However, the true work of healing is allowing that disruption to wake us from a deep state of unconsciousness, to release the personas we adapted into and begin consciously piecing together the full truth of who we were meant to be.

In her follow up collection to the internati... >Voir plus
Que lire après When You're Ready, This Is How You HealVoir plus

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Quiz Voir plus

Venez gagner les J.O avec Astérix

Avec quoi part Obélix pour aller aux J.O ?

un menhir
un sanglier

8 questions
2 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Astérix, tome 12 : Astérix aux jeux Olympiques de René GoscinnyCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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