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Bill Bryson (Autre)
EAN : 9780618074679
336 pages
First (26/10/2000)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The extraordinary popularity of books and magazines dedicated to travel comes as no surprise, given that more and more Americans are traveling each year for business, pleasure, and especially adventure. Our fascination with travel has never been so well represented as in this new addition to the Best American series: a wide-ranging compendium of the best travel writing published in 1999, culled from more than three hundred magazines, newspapers, and Web sites.
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
A mon sens, la plus grande récompense et le plus grand luxe du voyage est de pouvoir vivre les choses du quotidien comme pour la première fois et de se trouver dans une situation où presque rien n'est assez familier pour être tenu pour acquis.
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Regardless of one’s budget, itinerary, and choice of luggage-the act of travel is still, at its essence, a consumer experience.
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One of the first things that struck me when I first ventured abroad in the early 1970’s was how much more attention, compared with America, the rest of the world paid to the rest of the world; and one of the first things that struck me when I returned to the States to live twenty years later was how much less attention we paid now than we had before.
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Vidéo de Bill Bryson
Bande annonce du film RANDONNEURS AMATEURS (A Walk in the Woods), adaptation du livre de Bill Bryson.
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La culture manga, niveau difficile

"Manga" est un mot japonais, ça veut dire quoi en français?

'Dessin sublime'
'Image dérisoire'
'Bande dessinée'
'Le Japon vaincra'

7 questions
146 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : manga , japon , bande dessinéeCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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