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EAN : 9780743263139
352 pages
Simon & Schuster (04/07/2005)
2.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me. Who says?

Distinguished biographer Beatrice Bowman is being sued for libel by a new member of the House of Lords for implicating him in a thirty-year-old terrorist outrage. At the other end of the legal spectrum, a family of South London villains gags and suffocates those who try to expose their secrets. And Inspector Caro Lyalt has to decide what to do with information from a whistle-... >Voir plus
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They could provide an explosion big enough to make people notice. Maybe he’s right. After all, the suffragettes had to smash windows before anyone would listen to them. Maybe I have been pathetically idealistic to believe words could ever make any difference.
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Quiz sur le livre "L'île de tous les dangers" de Natasha Cooper.

Qui est Lara ?

le chat de Spike
le chien de Spike
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Thème : L'île de tous les dangers de Natasha CooperCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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