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EAN : 9780140072075
192 pages
Penguin (01/01/1985)
3/5   1 notes
Résumé :
As the iron bars close round Creggan, the captured golden eagle, his heart begins to die. But inside the cages is Minch, a female eagle, who is determined to teach Creggan not to forget about freedom. And outside is Mr Wolski, the Zoo's sweeper, a man haunted by the horror of captivity - his own and the birds.
When the time comes Creggan and Mr Wolski are ready for the final struggle towards Callanish.
Brilliantly imagined, spare and tensely plotted, C... >Voir plus
Que lire après CallanishVoir plus
Citations et extraits (1) Ajouter une citation
Forgetting ils the greatest weakness, and your greatest enemy. (trad. : L’oubli est la plus grande faiblesse, et ton plus grand ennemi.)
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Londres et la littérature

Dans quelle rue de Londres vit Sherlock Holmes, le célèbre détective ?

Oxford Street
Baker Street
Margaret Street
Glasshouse Street

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