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Telegram Books (30/11/-1)

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Résumé :
A linguist flying to a conference in Helsinki has landed in a strange city where he can't understand a word anyone says. As one claustrophobic day follows another, he wonders why no one has found him yet, whether his wife has given him up for dead, and how he'll get by in this society that looks so familiar, yet is so strange. In a vision of hell, unlike any previously imagined, Budai must learn to survive in a world where words and meaning are unconnected. This is ... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (3) Ajouter une citation
He did not want to think of himself as he had been five minutes earlier: it was as if that person had never existed. All he had to do was to follow the stream and never to lose sight of it, to walk along its bank or maybe hire a boat, or steal one. A boat would be produced from somewhere! He could practically hear the low moan of the sea and smell its slaty tang; he could see it, dark blue, as it seethed and sparkled, its foam like marble, the wind forever drawing new shapes across its restless surface and the seagulls plunging into it time and again… God be with you, Epepe. He was full of confidence. He would soon be home.
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Passion can be resisted with passion: one could work oneself up into the appropriate state, search out the enemy, take him on, do battle with him and, in this way, defeat him. If, on the other hand, it was only blank stares and mere indifference that were detaining him – which looked more likely – there was only negative energy to draw on, an immobility that would prevent him attracting anyone’s attention or interest. And how, in that case, was he to extricate himself from this tepid slough of feeling when there was nothing to cling to, no firm ground on which to set his feet?
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He could give up any time he chose. That was probably the chief reason he resisted: there was no urgency about giving up.
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Video de Ferenc Karinthy (1) Voir plusAjouter une vidéo

Ferenc Karinthy : L'âge d'or
Olivier BARROT présente le livre de Ferenc Karinthy
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Kaamelott : Géopolitique de l’Antiquité tardive

Sur quel royaume règne le roi Arthur dans Kaamelott ?

Le Royaume de Logres
Le Royaume de Bretagne
La Grande-Bretagne
L'empire breton

10 questions
64 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : kaamelott , humour , fantasy arthurienneCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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