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EAN : 9781400075171
1111 pages
Vintage Books / Random House (01/01/2007)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
A sweeping and dramatic history of the last half century of conflict in the Middle East from an award-winning journalist who has covered the region for over thirty years, The Great War for Civilisation unflinchingly chronicles the tragedy of the region from the Algerian Civil War to the Iranian Revolution; from the American hostage crisis in Beirut to the Iran-Iraq War; from the 1991 Gulf War to the American invasion of Iraq in 2003. A book of searing drama as well ... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Robert Fisk has always been one of my favourite journalists. Not surprisingly, The Great War for Civilisation is one of my favourite books. I finished reading it only a day before the current escalation of violence in Palestine began, once again, to dominate the news. Fisks book expertly puts this, and numerous other conflicts he has covered over the decades, into context.
This book is the product of eye-witness accounts of wars in Afghanistan – both the Soviet and USA versions; the wars in Iraq – against Iran as well as the USA versions; Algeria, Palestine, including several chapters on Israel's ongoing reduction of Palestinian land, as well as historical background and an explanation of the never-ending cash-windfall for arms suppliers.
One of Fisk's greatest qualities as a chronicler of man-inspired violence is his courage to go where the embedded journalists of recent wars fear to tread, for fear of upsetting their military handlers. As Fisk importantly points out, embedded journalists often end up being no more than public relations outlets for the armies that feed, transport, and dress them.
There aren't many or enough Robert Fisks around – the old-fashioned journalist that talks to everybody and listens to what they have to say – from donkey-cart driver to president. Even Bin-Ladin asked to speak with him.
In these days of fake news, PR spin, and highly paid lobbyists, honest, courageous, investigative journalists are more important than ever. I can't recommend this book highly enough.
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[Biographie d'Oussama Ben Laden]
Reportage sur Oussama BEN LADEN, sa vie, sa famille, ses études, son engagement dans la guerre en Afghanistan, son intégrisme religieux, sa haine vis à vis des Etats Unis et sa responsabilité dans les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. Alternance de commentaire, d'images d'archives et de l'interview de Robert FISK, journaliste "The independent", spécialiste de Ben Laden.
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