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Beth Smith (Traducteur)
EAN : 9782956646662
236 pages
Humbird & Curlew (20/04/2021)
4.75/5   2 notes
Résumé :
First published in French, this book is a collection of short stories by Edouard B. W., divided into three parts.

The 1rst will take you through short stories that could be considered disturbing emotional games. Integrated into the narrative, you will live through an impossible love story with a couple, observe two unlikely friends who walk tirelessly around the same block, and experience the difficult awakening of a student after a typical boozy even... >Voir plus
Que lire après Entropiae ENVoir plus
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Look all around you... Where you see nothing but chaos, disorder and vagaries, I see a Superior Logic, something that makes everything converge towards the only Great Destiny that is waiting for us: The End. That is what entropy is.
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La chérophobie est la phobie:

de manger de la viande
de dépenser de l'argent
du péché de chair
du bonheur

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