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Citations sur Là où les eaux se mêlent (14)


Talking about myself all day
brought back
something I thought over and
done with. What I'd felt
for Maryann-Anna, she calls
herself now-all those years.

I went to draw a glass of water.
Stood at the window for a time.
When I came back
we passed easily to the next thing.
Went on with my life. But
that memory entering like a spike.
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It sat there on the branch for a few minutes.
Then picked up and flew beautifully
out of my life
Il resta perché là sur la branche pendant quelques
minutes. Puis il prit son envol et disparut
majestueusement hors de ma vie.
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Your face, your mouth, your shoulder
inconceivable to me now !
Where did they go ? It's like
I dreamed them.
The stones we brought
home from the beach lie face up
on the windowsill, cooling.
Come home. Do you hear ?
My lungs are thick with the smoke
of your absence.
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Vieillir, perdre tout et tout le monde.
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    Lecteurs (60) Voir plus

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    Les titres des œuvres de Raymond Carver

    Quel est le titre correct ?

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    Les Gélules du bonheur
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