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230 pages
2.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Mother Jones has spent his life working hard, running the royal stables at Lilleforth, and watching on fondly as those around him fall in love and lust.

But nobody, man or woman, has ever stoked that fire for him—right until the new royal groom barrels into his life. Vasily is all sunshine smiles, golden hair and laughter. For the first time, Mother finds himself attracted to someone, and he can’t help wondering what it might be like to court—and bed—... >Voir plus
Que lire après The Stablemaster's HeartVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Malheureusement je n'ai pas su retrouver la magie du premier tome. J'ai trouvé les personnages principaux moins attachants, et comme Mother ne m'intéressait pas mes espoirs reposaient sur Vasily, qui ne s'est pas montré à la hauteur. Il souhaite cacher ses origines princières mais donne tant d'indices sans le vouloir que ça en devient vite agaçant. Idem pour Felix, qui passe son temps à faire des sous-entendu chaque fois qu'ils se croisent. Je ne dis pas qu'un tel secret est facile à garder, mais ils pourraient fournir des efforts…

Je n'ai pas non plus retrouvé l'attention portée sur le consentement qui m'avait tant plu dans le tome précédant, dommage. Moralement il y a certaines choses que j'ai trouvé un peu limite.

Le reste de l'histoire n'était pas assez bien pour faire remonter la barre, et globalement je dirais que ce livre m'a déçue.
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Citations et extraits (9) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Mother wasn't a conventionally handsome man, not like the king with his strong jawline and piercing eyes, or Felix with his wavy hair and soft mouth, but he was tall and sinewy, with the muscles one would expect to gain from years of handling thousand-pound horses, and he had soft brown eyes, chestnut hair, and a slightly crooked smile that he had been told was charming more than once.
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He reminded himself that he was a prince, and if there was one thing he'd been trained to do, it was to stand straight, speak clearly, and say what he wanted without hesitation.

So he did.

"Mother Jones," he said, ignoring the slight tremor in his voice, "I should very much like to kiss you."
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It's not weak to have compassion. Just look at Mattias, the ex-chancellor. Prince Consort of Evergreen now, and before that he helped His Majesty run Lilleforth for years. He's smart as a whip, but that didn't stop him having a soft spot for helping people out of a difficult situation.
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Mother was his everything, his other half, and he owned Vasily's heart.

And now ? He was offering Vasily everything he never thought he'd have.

A happily ever after, with his very own prince among men.
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Vasily stepped over the threshold, looking around the room with ill-disguised curiosity. "Oh, it's bigger than mine."

"That's not the first time I've heard that."
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