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EAN : 9781771389389
320 pages
Kids Can Press (01/05/2018)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
For two and a half years, Subject 684 --- "Jane Doe" --- has been locked underground in a secret government facility, enduring tests and torture. In that time, she hasn't uttered a single word. Not even her real name. Jane chooses to remain silent rather than risk losing control over the power within her. She alone knows what havoc her words can cause. Then the authorities put her in the care of the mysterious Landon Ward, and Jane is surprised when he treats her li... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (5) Ajouter une citation
Don't. Give. Up.
Those three words have helped me more times than I can count. They've helped me through the long hours of silence and isolation; they've helped me fight the memories and the nightmares; they've helped me survive the tests and the torture. No one could take them from me - not Vanik, not Manning... Not even myself.
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Words demand respect. They are beautiful; they are terrible. They are a gift and a curse. I will never forget what they can do.
Because words have caused me everything.
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The sound I make is barely a whisper, but the power behind it knows no bounds.
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I may be a monster, but that doesn't mean I want people to be afraid of me.
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Monsters can't be controlled. They can only be caged.
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Le "Prison Healer" suit Kiva, une prisonnière de la prison impitoyable de Zalindov et les défis auxquels elle est confrontée une fois la célèbre reine rebelle capturée - elle doit se battre pour garder la Reine en vie, et le faire à n'importe quel prix, y compris en faisant face au mortel "Procès par Epreuves". Kiva pourra-t-elle survivre aux quatre tâches élémentaires, ce qu'aucun autre détenu n'a jamais réussi à faire ?
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