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Arrow Books (01/01/2002)
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Résumé :
On a cold day in January President Kerry Kilcannon takes the oath of office-- and within days makes his first, most important move: appointing a new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Kilcannon's choice is a female judge with a brilliant record. And a secret. While the Senate spars over Caroline Masters' nomination, an inflammatory abortion rights case is making its way toward the judge--and will explode into the headlines. Suddenly, the most divisive issue in Amer... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Un excellent livre sur les arcanes de la politique nous dévoilant tour à tour les manoeuvres et bassesses de ceux qui ne rêvent que de pouvoir alors que se jouent des drames personnels qui ne demandaient qu'à se solutionner en privé. de belles réflexions sur la main mise de la politique sur des sujets d'éthique et médicaux et aussi comment on manipule les médias pour servir d'inavouables buts.
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On that sonogram is a fetus with an enormous head; Almost certainly, it has no brain... So, in desperation, she asks her parents - begs them - for permission to abort. What she gets back is the cold comfort of their principles., and her father's hearless accusation that she"s "selfish". And she absorbs the saddest lesson for any child to learn: that to disagree with this mother and father is to go through life alone.
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Putting down the telephone, Kerry Kilcannon pondered the costs of such call. With or without Robert Lenihan's help, he intended to veto Gage's bill. More fundamentally, Kerry loathed the corrupting role of money in politics, the dishonesty of the thirty-second TV spot. But he would have to fix that problem later - the Christian Commitment had given him no choice.
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