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120 pages

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Résumé :
Alison Jennings followed her big brother all the way to California, and most of the time, she's glad she did. But when her boyfriend dumps her on Christmas morning, she shows up on Truman's doorstep to find he (and his husband) on their way out the door to their new beach house for the week.

Hugh and Truman aren't the only ones heading to the coast. They have a whole week-long New Years celebration planned, with a big group of their friends. Ally had ... >Voir plus

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Quiz Voir plus

La panthère des neiges - Sylvain Tesson

Où part Sylvain Tesson dans "la panthère des neiges" ?

Île de Sumatra

7 questions
93 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : La panthère des neiges de Sylvain TessonCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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