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EAN : 9780373293728
299 pages
Harlequin Enterprises Ltd (01/01/1900)
2/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Downtrodden servant or gracious lady ?
When Max, Earl Blakehurst, meets Verity he sees a downtrodden servant. He doesn't recognize her as the daughter of a colonel under whom he used to serve, the girl he'd once helped years before. The life Verity's now living is untenable. So he proposes a shocking solution : he will set her up as his mistress.
It's only once that Verity's finally agreed, once Max is beginning to lose his heart to her, that he discov... >Voir plus
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Que lire après His Lady MistressVoir plus
Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Une romance Harlequin comme tant d'autres, pas si mal ficelée, mais la surenchère de quiproquos et de rebondissements a fini par émousser mon intérêt pour le sort des personnages.
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Verity hudled into the murk by the chimney stack, watching through the shifting veil of rain as two men, little more than dense shadows in the pouring blackness, carried their grisly burden from the cottage to the cart. The horse between the shafts tucked his tail in and stamped restlessly, snorting as the stench of death reached him. The boy at his head murmured in shaking tones and held his lantern higher."One, two, three..." A thud followed as the men swung the body on to the back of the cart.Her heart tightened.
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