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EAN : 9780679767992
192 pages
Vintage (18/06/1996)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
In the tradition of Alice Walker, this electrifying new African American voice delivers the verdict on the urban condition in a sensual, propulsive, and prophetic book of poetry and prose.

Whether she is writing about an enraged teenager gone "wilding" in Central Park, fifteen-year-old Latasha Harlins gunned down by a Korean grocer, or a brutalized child who grows up to escape her probable fate through the miracle of art, Sapphire's vision in this co... >Voir plus
Que lire après American DreamsVoir plus

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Vidéo de  Sapphire
@katiecouric: Sapphire: Author Sapphire talks about the new movie "Precious" inspired by her novel "Push," the process of casting the lead actress Gabourey Sidibe, and the inspirational message of the story.
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Tonton Tata, Papa Maman, Cousin Cousine, frères et soeurs

Régis Franc est connu pour sa BD sociale ..........?............. je sais ça vole pas haut

Tonton Marcel
Tata Marcelle

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