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EAN : 9780091801045
450 pages
Hutchinson (30/05/1999)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
In 1938 CBS reporter William Shirer was sent to report from Berlin. This work presents his writings, gathered to form a vivid narrative, a first-hand document of World War II. He reported from within the Reich until 1940 and provided a dramatic by-line on history as it happened.
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Vidéo de William L. Shirer
The story of legendary American journalist William L. Shirer and how his first-hand reporting on the rise of the Nazis and on World War II brought the devastation alive for millions of Americans. When William L. Shirer started up the Berlin bureau of Edward R. Murrow's CBS News in the 1930s, he quickly became
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Qui est l'auteur de la trilogie Hunger Games ?

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