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EAN : 9780747806288
160 pages
A Shire book (31/12/2004)
5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
Curious items of peronsal adornment such as sashes and collars made of silk or velvet aprons and medals sometimes turn up in car-boot sales or are found in an attic or a shop selling bygones. Many of these objects are decorated with arcane symbols and bear inscriptions such as 'Guardian', 'Past Arch' or, even more cryptically, 'PCR' or 'KOM'. So what are these things, who wore them and what do they mean? Although often grouped under the misleading umbrella title of ... >Voir plus
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Dans quelle pièce de W. Shakespeare le héros est confronté avec le spectre de son père ?

Le marchand de Venise
Richard II
Titus Andronicus

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