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EAN : 978B005CYZIX8
Regent College Publishing (04/01/2003)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Charles Williams had a genius for choosing strange and exciting themes for his novels and making them believable and profoundly suggestive of spiritual truths. The Tarot pack, the ancestor of all playing cards, is first mentioned in history in 1393; the origin of the deck is not known. Tradition has it that the gypsies brought the Tarot from Egypt and that the cards were used for fortune telling. This deck was conceived of as having magical properties, and the most ... >Voir plus

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Stupeur et tremblements

Quel est la place de ce roman dans la bibliographie d'Amélie Nothomb ?

C'est son septième roman.
C'est son huitième roman.
C'est son neuvième roman.

10 questions
646 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Stupeur et Tremblements de Amélie NothombCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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