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Ellen Datlow (Directeur de publication)
Audible Studios (31/03/2015)
4/5   2 notes
Résumé :
The Doll Collection is exactly what it sounds like: a treasured toy box of all-original dark stories about dolls of all types, including everything from puppets and poppets to mannequins and baby dolls.

Featuring everything from life-sized clockwork dolls to all-too-human Betsy Wetsy-type baby dolls, these stories play into the true creepiness of the doll trope, but avoid the clichés that often show up in stories of this type.

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350 pages pour 17 excellentes nouvelles réunies par Ellen Datlow, qui ne nous a jamais déçus par la qualité de ses trouvailles. La plupart des auteurs m'étaient inconnus, j'ai donc foncé les yeux fermés (si, si, je lis comme ça) dans cette anthologie, sans savoir à quoi m'attendre. Mais certains ont peur des clowns, d'autres des poupées anciennes, moi j'ai peur des deux... Chucky a laissé des traces, que voulez-vous.
Et effectivement, toutes les poupées ne sont ni à offrir à des enfants, ni même idéales pour décorer son intérieur. "Objets inanimés avez-vous donc une âme?"... Ces poupées-là, oui.
Qu'elles soient possédées ou qu'elles aient une vie propre, elles m'ont mis les tripes à l'envers, retournée comme une crèpe et tout ce que vous voulez dans ce style.
Si vous lisez l'anglais, si vous aimez être terrifié, sautez sur ce recueil et revenez me voir, qu'on en discute.

Je vous en mets la liste. Yep, j'avais oublié.

• Skin and bone by Tim Lebbon
• Heroes and villains by Stephen Gallager
• The doll-master by Joyce Carol Oates
• Gaze by Gemma File
• In case of zebras by Pat Cadigan
• There is no place for sorrow in the kingdom of the cold by Seanan McGuire
Goodness and kindness by Carrie Vaughn
• Daniel's theory about dolls by Stephen Graham Jones
• After and back before by Miranda Siemienowicz
• Doctor Faustus by Mary Robinette Kowal
• Doll court by Richard Bowes
• Visit lovely Cornwall on the Western Railway Line by Genevieve Valentine
• Ambitious boys like you by Richard Kadrey
• Miss Sibyl-Cassandra by Lucy Sussex
• The permanent collection by Veronica Schanoes
• Homemade monsters by John Langan
• Word doll by Jeffrey Ford
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“Now the fire’s in the stairwell, and the stairwell’s roaring like a chimney. The girls downstairs can’t get out, and the girls upstairs can’t get down. Then a voice is heard. Far away. From the store cupboard they’d given us for a dressing room.” “You?” I said. Willie took a little bow. Then he switched his voice to something tiny and far away. A doll with its own ventriloquist skills. “Don’t leave me, Max. Come and get me.” And back to normal: “Max couldn’t ignore it. He could never ignore me. He ran through the flames and up those stairs, and the girls on the landing saw him and followed. He was the man with the funny little friend who sat on his knee and made them laugh. He’d look after them, wouldn’t he? He must know the way out. When the fire came up the stairs, they all crammed into the storeroom but by then it was too late. And all of them died.” “Except you.” “Except me. How about that?” “Wait a minute,” I said. “What am I saying? There was no one calling. None of that happened. Did it?” “Are you going to argue with a witness?” “You’re not a witness.” I looked at Alex. “You’re not a witness.”
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Ce film d'horreur et d'épouvante est (aussi) un roman

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10 questions
972 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : cinema , horreur , epouvanteCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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