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Elisabeth Jaquette (Traducteur)
EAN : 9781913097172
144 pages
Fitzcarraldo Editions (06/05/2020)
4.67/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Minor Detail begins during the summer of 1949, one year after the war that the Palestinians mourn as the Nakba – the catastrophe that led to the displacement and expulsion of more than 700,000 people – and the Israelis celebrate as the War of Independence. Israeli soldiers capture and rape a young Palestinian woman, and kill and bury her in the sand. Many years later, a woman in Ramallah becomes fascinated to the point of obsession with this ‘minor detail’ of histor... >Voir plus
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Quiz Voir plus

Quelle guerre ?

Autant en emporte le vent, de Margaret Mitchell

la guerre hispano américaine
la guerre d'indépendance américaine
la guerre de sécession
la guerre des pâtissiers

12 questions
3205 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : guerre , histoire militaire , histoireCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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