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EAN : 9781338137422
288 pages
Scholastic (25/04/2017)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
Another "foodie" novel from Suzanne Nelson, this time filled with boys, friends, film sets . . . and donuts!
Sheyda is a behind-the-scenes girl. She loves helping out in the kitchen of Doughlicious, the donut shop run by her best friend's family. And Sheyda loves designing stage sets while others performs in the spotlight. Then lights, camera . . . surprise! Tween heartthrob Cabe Sadler is filming his next movie in Doughlicious! Sheyda's outgoing BFF, Kiri, i... >Voir plus
Que lire après Donut Go Breaking My HeartVoir plus

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