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EAN : 9781592408504
128 pages
GOTHAM BOOKS (03/09/2013)
4.67/5   3 notes
Résumé :
Lil Bub is a star. The adorable “perma-kitten” might look a little different than other felines, but her tiny size, toothless mouth, and extra toes have made her the darling of cat lovers around the world.

Aided by her human, this celebri-cat is finally satisfying her demanding public with a book. Showcasing 100 captioned full color photos of Lil BUB —traveling through space, exploring the Earth, flying in hot air balloons, napping, and even skateboar... >Voir plus
Que lire après Lil BUB's Lil Book: The Extraordinary Life of the Most Amazing Cat on the PlanetVoir plus
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Un livre bonheur avec la magique Bub !
Totalement accro je suis !
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Le meilleur livre du monde.
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