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EAN : 978B017N0AG30
Oxford University Press (01/02/2001)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
This tells of an American woman who gave her life in the struggle against the Nazi regime. As members of a resistance group, Mildred & her husband, Arvid Harnack, assisted in the escape of Jews & political dissidents, providing economic & military intelligence to both Washington & Moscow. But in 1942, following a Soviet blunder, the Gestapo arrested, tortured & tried 80 members of the group, which the Nazis dubbed the Red Orchestra. Mildred Fish-Harnack was guilloti... >Voir plus

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Ça va être leur fête, aux pères !! 😄 😂

Ça commence bien ! Alors il faudrait "Tuer le père" ? 🎩

marie sizun
honoré de balzac
amélie nothomb
didier van cauwlaert

8 questions
14 lecteurs ont répondu
Thèmes : titres , littérature , humour noir , fête des pères , historiettes , baba yagaCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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