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EAN : 9781542047913
236 pages
47North (15/05/2018)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
Alvie Brechenmacher has arrived in London to begin her training in Polymaking—the magical discipline of bespelling plastic. Polymaking is the newest form of magic, and in a field where there is so much left to learn, every Polymaker dreams of making the next big discovery.

Even though she is only an apprentice, Alvie is an inventor at heart, and she is determined to make as many discoveries—in as short a time frame—as she can. Luckily for her, she’s s... >Voir plus
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Tintin au temple du soleil

Où se déroule l'aventure de Tintin au Temple du Soleil?

Au Pérou
En Bolivie
En Argentine
Au Chili

22 questions
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