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EAN : 9781368055444
384 pages
Rick Riordan Presents (05/04/2022)

Note moyenne : /5 (sur 0 notes)
Résumé :
The Pandavas only have until the next full moon to stop the Sleeper from gaining access to the nectar of immortality, which will grant him infinite power. But how can Aru, Mini, and Brynne hope to defeat him without their celestial weapons? The Sleeper and his army are already plundering the labyrinth, and the sisters can't even enter. Their quest to get in will have them calling on old friends, meeting new allies, and facing fearsome trials, like...performing in a ... >Voir plus
Que lire après Pandava, tome 5 : Aru Shah and the Nectar of ImmortalityVoir plus

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Qui suis-je ? Les auteurs en B

Grand réaliste, j'ai écris Le père Goriot et Eugénie Grandet. Qui suis-je ?


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