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a detective book with an intriguing story in the dark mid ages. when the religion was as influential as it could be. at the same time, it's rotten to the core. the churches were extremely powerful and rich which was out of the original essence of the chritianality. the Jesus was born poor and occupied nothing but essentials to live. in this prestigious Abby where stored the richest books. the most powerful figure in the Abby was the librarian. the strange thing was that 6 people were dead. they were all somehow linked to the famous library. William as an external came to the Abby to Crack the Cas with his assistant Alonzo. at the end they found who wwa behind the murder - blind George. he did not want the book of Aristotle on natural science to prouve all the basic Jesus theory was wrong. natural science looks at the earth but Christianity looks at the sky. another book he tried to censor is about laughs and comedy. the mocking and easiness of laughes might someday be at his precious religion. at the end of the day it's whom started the unreversible fire. the Abby was in ashes. the books were buried with him. the extremists of anything would lead to something bad. over obsessed over indulging over messed up are destructive. the ultimate way to have the peace and happiness is to balance and to harmonize. we know how to comprise and adapt for greater good instead of walking till death towards the deadend without changing minds
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Intrigue très dure à lire avec beaucoup de passages sur l'hérésie, la pénitence, le démon de la femme, le rire et la pauvreté du Christ... J'ai du persévérée pour finir.
Je dirai que le moyen âge n'est pas pour moi! Les débats entre moines sont compliqués et j'ai mal compris les différents courants religieux entre les bénédictins, les francisquains, les fraticelles, les spirituels....
Une époque bien sombre remplie de violence et de religion.
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Le Nom de la Rose

Quel est le nom du personnage principal ?

Guillaume d’Ockham
Guillaume de Baskerville
Sherlock d’Holmes
Sherlock de Melk

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