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Johnny Shumate (Illustrateur)Alan Gilliland (Illustrateur)
EAN : 9781849086905
80 pages
Osprey (20/12/2011)
4.5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
The M16 was first introduced in 1958 and was revolutionary for its time as it was made of lightweight materials including special aluminum and plastics. It was first adopted by US Special Forces and airborne troops in 1962 before it was issued to Army and Marine units serving in Vietnam. Its use spread throughout the following decades and a number of variants including submachine and carbine versions were also fielded. As a result it is now amongst the three most us... >Voir plus
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As soon as the ordnance team arrived, they made it clear that they were already well informed (meaning they’d already made up their minds) concerning our problem and had decided (without so much as a question to us) that we as a Battalion were responsible for a bad rap being given to a marvelous little rifle! The lads in the rear had decided that we were simply not keeping our rifles clean, and if we weren’t such inattentive and unmotivated “oafs” being led by incompetents, we wouldn’t have such a problem. Needless to say, the hackles stood up on the back of our necks.
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It was said the M16 was designed not to kill, but only to wound. The “theory” was that a wounded soldier would require at least two men to take him off the battlefield and that this would overwhelm the enemy’s medical services with wounded as well as affect morale. It is safe to say that morale is affected a lot more when troops are killed.
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The hard-used AK-47s proved superior and it was fully realized that the use of ball powder in M16s was the problem. The Army refused to admit this and rather than changing the powder decided to design a heavier recoil buffer – making the rifle accommodate inadequate ammunition rather than improving the ammunition.
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Qui chantait ceci en 1977? On a tous dans le coeur une petite fille oubliée Une jupe plissée, queue de cheval, à la sortie du lycée On a tous dans le cœur un morceau de ferraille usé Un vieux scooter de rêve pour faire le cirque dans le quartier Et la petite fille chantait (et la petite fille chantait) Et la petite fille chantait (et la petite fille chantait) Un truc qui me colle encore au cœur et au corps Everybody's doing a brand-new dance now Come on babe do the locomotion I know you gonna like it if you give it a chance now Come on babe do the locomotion

Alain Souchon
Laurent Voulzy
Eddie Mitchell

12 questions
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Thèmes : chanson française , années 60 , enterrement , animauxCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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