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EAN : 9781648272233
320 pages
Airship (22/06/2021)
4.67/5   3 notes
Résumé :
The third semester kicks off in high gear with a special boot camp deep in the mountains. Forcibly separated into groups along grade and gender lines, the first, second and third years alike must work together to survive the rugged terrain. Even worse? The leader of the group that comes in last will be expelled. Can Class D make it back to campus intact, or is this where they finally say goodbye to one of their own?
Que lire après Classroom of the Elite, tome 8Voir plus

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Quiz Voir plus


Quel est l'autre prénom de Cyrano?


12 questions
1664 lecteurs ont répondu
Thème : Cyrano de Bergerac de Edmond RostandCréer un quiz sur ce livre

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