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EAN : 9782958411114
438 pages
Auto édité (13/09/2022)
5/5   1 notes
Résumé :
“If it sounds incredible, believe it! If it seems insurmountable, work around it! If you think you can't do it, look how far you've come! If it seems impossible, do it!”
Archangel Gabriel - 2021

A Coffee with Archangels is a heartfelt dialogue by the author for its readers.
Psychic since her childhood, she has long been lost, subjected to the duality between her beliefs and a spirituality whose codes are imposed by men. After successive... >Voir plus
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Citations et extraits (2) Ajouter une citation
Every morning I raise my cup of coffee and toast to this new day. I bless the twists and turns; I no longer dread the dark forests I had to go through. The darkness has dissipated, it was only mirages in my desert to prevent me from discovering my green oasis, my promised land... I’m free...
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After the troubled times we have had to face, today more than ever the world needs hope and benevolence. If society is not going well, humanity is not dead. It lives on in every heart, every smile, every moment of joy, every prayer... This intimate light of consciousness rises to the sky in an eternal clamor. Silent, filled with secret hopes...
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Les Chefs-d'oeuvre de la littérature

Quel écrivain est l'auteur de Madame Bovary ?

Honoré de Balzac
Gustave Flaubert
Guy de Maupassant

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