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EAN : 9781335458537
352 pages
Carina Adores (26/09/2023)
2.5/5   2 notes
Résumé :
For Landon Stackhouse, being called up from the Calgary farm team is exciting and terrifying, even if, as the backup goalie, he rarely leaves the bench. A quiet loner by nature, Landon knows he gives off strong “don’t talk to me” vibes. The only player who doesn’t seem to notice is Calgary’s superstar young winger, Casey Hicks.

Casey treats Landon like an old friend, even though they’ve only interacted briefly in the past. He’s endlessly charming and ... >Voir plus
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Critiques, Analyses et Avis (1) Ajouter une critique
Je n'ai malheureusement pas aimé ce livre, pour moi qui préfère les slowburns tout allait trop vite entre les deux personnages principaux. Je n'ai pas non plus su retrouver l'émotion présente au début dans le reste du récit. La solitude que ressentent Landon et Casey avant de se rencontrer m'a beaucoup touchée, mais l'autrice n'a pas développé le sujet par la suite.

Vers la fin du livre les personnages remettent en question leur relation, une étape quasi-nécessaire dans une romance. La raison de leur séparation, soulevée par Landon, ne m'a pas du tout convaincue. J'ai trouvé sa réaction exagérée et mal justifiée, et suite à ça j'ai eu bien du mal à le prendre au sérieux.

Les scènes de smut, l'une des dernières choses pouvant sauver cette lecture, ne m'ont également pas beaucoup plu. C'était mon premier livre de Rachel Reid, et probablement le dernier.
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Citations et extraits (15) Voir plus Ajouter une citation
Landon wasn't sure what the gesture meant, but it was so tentative—so considerate—that Landon couldn't help returning it. For a few electric seconds, their fingers exchanged the gentlest caresses while tingles raced through Landon's body.

It was too much. It was the barest of physical contact and he couldn't breathe. He covered Casey's hand with his own to stop it, and Casey took it as an invitation to flip his hand over and tangle their fingers together.
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Landon never thought he could actually have this, had barely dared to fantasize about it, but now he'd always know how it felt to have Casey in his arms, to have his heart-stopping smile pressed against Landon's own bewildered one, making the kiss ridiculous and sloppy and perfect.
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Everything he could think of saying in that moment would be too much. Too honest. Things like "This was the best day I've had in maybe years" or "I love spending time with you" or "You make me want to be brave."

Instead, he said, "Let's go home. I'm starving."
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Casey could withstand being teased, and maybe even being embarrassed, but he knew if his teammates ever did anything to really hurt him, the worst part wouldn't be the humiliation, or the disappointment. It would be the loneliness.
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"I like Stackhouse. He's good for you."

"He's too good for me."

Lee's arm tensed, and then relaxed. "Ah," he said. "It's like that"

"It's not like anything. We're friends. Teammates. Roommates. Whatever"

"But you want more."
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