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EAN : 978B0BK79W1FZ
384 pages
3.33/5   3 notes
Résumé :
My father's business partner will do anything for the empire they built together...Even marry me.

Declan Hardy, All-American heartthrob and retired NFL billionaire, is my complete opposite.
He's commanding where I'm cooperative.
Spontaneous while I am deliberate.
Loud when I stay quiet.
The only thing we have in common is that both our names are on my father's will.

He'll inherit the fitness and hospitality e... >Voir plus
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le Roi Arthur de Michael Morpurgo

Pourquoi le jeune garçon se retrouve-t-il piégé au milieu de l'océan?

Il voulait aller pêcher à la crevette
il voulait assister aux grandes marées d'équinoxe de printemps
il voulait accéder au rocher de Great Ganilly pour remporter son pari

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