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EAN : 9781473634985
Two Roads (01/01/2017)
4/5   1 notes
Résumé :
'makes some pretty big promises - but with practical life lessons, witty first-hand experiences and no-BS advice, it really does what it says on the tin' Stella

Like many of us, Helen Russell suffers from chronic indecision and fear of change.

So she decides to give herself a year for an experiment: to overhaul every area of her life, using change theories from the worlds of business, psychology and neuroscience, to become a lean, mean ... >Voir plus
Que lire après Leap YearVoir plus
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'Reframing is useful,' adds Ilona, 'because no matter what our situation, we're working for a reason: our work has meaning. Most of us are working to contribute to our well-being and security, or that of others. It may not be fun every day, but there's still a useful purpose in it.' If we're losing sight of this, it's time to think about what motivates us.
'Studies show that the majority of people aren't primarily motivated by money anymore, ' says Ilona. ' It's recognition, praise, being helpful and working with a good team that drive the majority. So if we seek out employment that fits with our values, we're more likely to be happy at work. To be fulfilled in our careers, we need to identify what we want.
We have to know ourselves.
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'If you have so many possessions that there are rooms in your home you're no longer able to use because they have so much stuff in them, that's classed as hoarding. If there's an increased risk of falls or fires or other hazards because of the amount of stuff you have _ then you have a problem'
There have been no falls or fires _ and our rooms are , so far, serviceable. But my husband comes from a family of stuff-fans. We lost the dog under a pile of crochet during the in-laws' last visit and didn't realise where he was until a craft project starting loping around the kitchen like a drugged Loch Ness Monster.
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